High-ticket Coaches & course creators...

Stop wasting your time, trying to convert the little-3% of your audience, and get ready to skyrocket your conversions from the remaining 97%, who may like you, but still aren't trustful enough to give you their credit card info...

Before even stepping into paid Ads

Before jumping into the "how"
let's figure out the "why" first...

WHY is your audience not converting into loyal customers...the way you may have expected them to?

If you’re a coach, consultant, or influencer with a decent-sized audience (25-50k+)The likelihood of you not monetizing most of them might be higher.Why? For 2 reasons:Firstly, in today's attention-driven economy,Even though people might like you, their attention spans have gotten shorter than a "microwave minute".No seriously, even TikTokers are having a hard time retaining their "fans". Do you think you're special? (maybe you are, but it doesn't matter)Secondly, trust-depression is spreading like a virus (worse than covid).But regardless of both these reasons,You still might be putting out all of your marketing efforts at the fullest.Maybe you’re posting content every day,Maybe you’ve grown a big enough list to leverage email marketing,Or you might even be running ads to drive more traffic to your top of funnel.And...there is nothing wrong with that.Volume for sure IS the king.But......what’s the meaning of organizing a buffet with tasteless dishes?You see,It doesn’t matter how much content you post or the number of emails you send out daily.Sure, you might see some noticeable growth with volume, as these channels are crucial for monetizing your audience.But if your their brain is not habitual to getting rewarded with your content,Why would they bother even consuming it?Meaning, if they don’t find value in your content,they might start losing interest and trust soon after…And no,Providing value doesn’t just mean "eDucAtiNg" them on your certain expertise.If that were the "ultimate marketing formula", everyone would be in love with colleges.It’s rather a strategic way of nurturing cold prospects that combines tangible education ("VaLue"), social proof, and selling at the RIGHT time.Because if you're engaging them with your education,You have to retain that attention longer enough to build a strong foundation of the know, like, and trust factor.So when you drop your BOMB of an offer to help them get closer to their <dream outcome>, but on steroidsThey won’t be hesitant to type in their credit card info or book a call.So, this leads to the question,How does this “said short, done long” method actually work?


This is where we come in...

Offer Optimization

You might earn your audience's trust. But if your offer is not compelling enough, they'd still be hesitant to buy because of "outcome uncertainty".We would dig deeper into your avatar's pain points, fears, desires, and dream state, craft an intriguing Unique Mechanism, and help optimize your current offer into an irresistible one, that'd keep them up at night.

Funnel Finessing

As corny as it sounds, the more complex crafting a magnetic sales AND marketing funnel, that works in tandem to create a self-sustaining lead generator (that too qualified ones) can be.From creating a whirlpool of leads at TOF to turning them into loyal customers at BOF, we will write all the copy and efficiently set up the funnels on the backend.

Killer Email Sequences And Flows

Your funnel usually converts only 3% of people who are in buying mode. The rest of the cold audience is nurtured, educated, and converted through emails.We will strategize campaigns & write persuasive emails that'll deeply resonate with your audience, give them value, & sell at the RIGHT time.

Weekly Content Strategy

Before getting into ads, organic content is the main way to maximize the amount of eyeballs on your offer.Everything from content ideation to scripting and algorithm-optimization, we will optimize your weekly content strategies to get as many people to opt-in to your top of the funnel.

Constantly Strive For The BEST Winner

In today's "goldfish economy" (talking attention span), 1 winning angle isn't capable of hooking them in, every single time.We will constantly A/B split certain copy elements such as pain points, desires, roadblocks, etc to strive for a bigger winner and maximize conversions.

Maximizing The Backend

All these high-converting elements are temporary fixes, if the backend automations are not optimized.We will streamline all the email automations & manage your list to ensure that every prospect's next step is derived from their previous action, leading to skyrocketing open rates and CTRs. (because you can get in their heads)

"Who's 'we'?"


I'm sahil

Great to meet ya!I'm the founder of Compell Media, a Direct-response marketer & your next (you've heard that cringe term)Not a fan of 9-5s, and who even is?
I mean, that's probably why you started your biz, right?
However, my love for sales and marketing is exceptional.Apparently, it grew so large (pause) that I even pivoted my major to marketing. (I didn't even know what "supply chain" meant anyway)I've spent months on end honing the art of converting the coldest skeptics (those who're habitual to say "let me think about it" even to their grandma's cookies) into loyal customers.So now, I leverage those skills to help coaches & course creators like you.

Why Us?

We're Early

Money loves speed,
And we highly respect time as the most imp asset. However, even the fastest Lambo is gonna be useless with weaker fuel quality.
Therefore, we'll always make sure to Early deliver & over-deliver WITH Gold.

We're Original

At its core, every info-biz has different offers & values. So your competitor's marketing strategy, may not work for you.But with us, you'll receive an Original strategy, that's Catered to your biz.


If you're already giving your 100%, we'll give our 250. And if you're still not happy with the results...
well, us neither.
We'll return every penny or work for free, until we overdeliver on your expectations.

So, if you're ready to win and monetize your audiences' trust

GET a free audit for your entire "Marketing System" (I mean it)

Choose a convenient time and book a free strategy session, where I'll tweak out some major "strengths" & "weaknesses" of your current funnel, the copy on it, and how all the other nurture mechanisms can be improved.That's not all...At Compell Media, we abide by the rule of building Trust first.So if you're wondering if this could be a good fit or not, we do have a 7-day no-strings-attached trial.(Quick side note: we do provide one-time deliverables, but the free trial doesn't apply to that. Don't ask "why".)So If we find ourselves to be a good fit, we can proceed to crush your niche together.If not,No hard feelings :)(I'll still track ya down)